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Tips for Being A Successful Gardener

Tips for Being A Successful Gardener

Feb 09, 2014

People who add gardening to their day invariably find themselves more relaxed as a result. Communing with nature on its terms, with soil underfoot and on their hands, is a beautiful experience. Whether it's veggies, flowers, or other plants, the delight of a thriving garden surpasses the efforts.

Know Soil Types

To achieve success, attention to the soil, the plant, sunlight exposure and climate are significant. Many plants will not survive in all regions of the United States. It's important to read about plants and know what they require to survive and thrive. Even if your neighbor is growing the same thing, you want to feature in your garden, ensuring all your ducks are in a row will provide the best chances for success.

Transplanting Plants

Your soil may differ from theirs; you will need to make sure your plants receive the right fertilizer. Also, the proper ph balance ensures the correct alkalinity for your soil. You will need to do some reading so you know soil types to determine best what you can successfully grow. Some plants prefer a loamy soil; others prefer a sandy soil; yet others prefer a rocky soil, which brings us to drainage.


As much as water is vital to a plant's growth, it's just as important that you do not over water plants. Too much water drowns them, overwhelming their natural ability to absorb and process the water. Much like houseplants, which need proper drainage from the pot, garden plants need equal consideration. If there's too much clay in the garden's composition, water may puddle and not drain properly. On the other hand, too much sand or rocks may not allow water to stay around long enough to be absorbed.


If you plan on transplanting items from the house to the garden or from one yard to another, there are specific dos and don'ts to follow. Again, each plant has certain limitations or requirements. It behooves the beginner gardener to read about plants, especially the ones they will be raising.

Planting Trees


In the fall, many plants require pruning, which needs to be done carefully as there are specifics about that too. Correctly done, it ensures faster, healthier growth. Old, dying branches and leaves should be removed. The plant is misusing its resources attempting to revive those dead or dying parts. Removing them alleviates the plant's struggle, allowing it to focus on productivity growth.

Pruning your plants

It will also make it easier for you to care for them in winter months when they are mostly dormant but may still need individualized care. By reading up on your plants, and with their successful growth, you'll learn how gardening is indeed an excellent way to beautify your home and invigorate your spirit.