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Chestnut Oak

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USDA Zones 4-8

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Product Description

Chestnut Oak Tree

 The Elegance of the Chestnut Oak Tree 

 The Chestnut Oak tree is a species of Oak from the white oak family. The bark on the plant is a sturdy, rugged, monochromatic, and is gray and thick-ridged in appearance. Scientifically speaking, the plant has been named Quercus montana, and it prefers habitats high in the mountains and along rocky ridgelines. It is often identified by these habitats, being seen as the "Rock Oak" or the "Mountain Oak" due to where it likes to thrive in the wild. It is often referred to as the Chestnut Oak as the proper name, due to the leaves and shape. Many can relate these to acorns or chestnuts, which has often lead many to believe this is why it is most commonly known as the Chestnut Oak. 

Buy Chestnut Oak Trees Online

 Chestnut Oaks is not only one of the most durable trees by only its exterior due to the thick bark compared to other oaks, but also in their resiliency. These Oaks typically thrive in the ridgeline environment, so they do not require the most fertile soil to plant. They are often able to survive in soil that is dry or deficient of the proper minerals for extended periods. Due to this growth, you can expect that it will proliferate and be one of the most massive oak trees to form when planted. The roots of this magnificent tree are often profound and require a large diameter to support this might oak's full weight. In the act of reproduction, one can expect that a Chestnut Oak will be a great source of acorns. These little acorns can often be used to plant other trees or to feed wildlife if you want to attract various animals such as mice, squirrels, chipmunks, or deer to your yard, plant a chestnut oak. Many different animals will be provided a food source from the acorn production of this hardy Oak.

  This Oak over its lifespan can be seen to grow to massive heights and weights. These trees often can be directed to develop a certain way, but they usually will grow quite uniquely. Oaks showing early signs of damage, whether to the trunk or to the limbs, could see that tree would develop almost a new personality. Although being split, many of these trees will still thrive but might become a significant issue for future removal if there is not foresight in planning. If not corrected, the strength and durability of this tree will make it harder to remove the Chestnut Oak ages. 

Chestnut Oak Trees For Sale

 In nature, these Chestnut Oaks can often be seen in the North-Eastern part of the United States. They can be seen in public parks and hiking trails and drive through mountain ranges such as the Appalachian. Each one of these trees in nature has its own character and often cannot be safely removed. If interested in purchasing a Chestnut Oak, one should plant a sapling, rather than disturbing these mighty trees. The beauty of these trees is great for appearance purposes and provides a safe habitat for many of the world's furry and feathered friends.


The Chestnut Oak is shipped bare root.

  • USDA Zones 4-8
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